Referral List
Community Acupuncture Community acupuncture can do a lot. There are a couple clinics in SF with well-trained acupuncturists. This clinic is sliding scale, making it an accessible, affordable option. Circle strives to be a trans-competent space with practitioners who have received training in Trans-centered care. I work here one day a week and so if you need Trans-affirming care, please book with me. Community acupuncture is a great place to start if you're considering acupuncture, but aren't able to drop a lot of money. If community acupuncture can't help you, you'll be referred out. Personally, as a Community Acupuncturist, I know how effective it can be and I recommend everyone give it a shot. If we feel you require more individualized care, we will give you a referral for the specific care you need.
Private Acupuncture
Amy Hess, LAc. Amy (she/they) offers Queer/Trans-centered care and currently takes house calls in the Oakland area and is happy to answer any questions you may have about Acupuncture and the services.
Wanda Emiko, LAc. Wanda (she/they) is a licensed herbalist and acupuncturist in Oakland, CA providing Queer/Trans-Centered care.
Massage Thomas Lavi (he/him) is a trans bodyworker in Oakland, CA. His work is Queer-focused and made to be accessible to the community. From his About section:
"I practice massage to provide a safe space and facilitate healing for all people and all bodies. My primary philosophy is that none of us can truly be at peace until we find comfort and safety within our own, individual bodies. As a therapist I focus on delivering services to those less often offered the opportunity to experience transformation and connection through safe and healing touch - such as transgender and queer folks, people of color, elderly folks, folks with neurodiversities, and folks with marginalized body types."